Monday, September 17, 2007

3 things...

Well! We have been busy little bees lately :) First we wanted to show you pictures of our flat – I know you’re all dying to see it. And, actually it has become quite homey even since we took these pictures.. We found the amazing Poundland in Aberdeen and so were able to get some little decorative items and picture frames to put around so we see some familiar faces.

these are the stairs you come up to get into our flat.. and we have a buzzer/intercom thing on our front door – it’s super cool

this is a view of our front door from the inside

hallway leading to every room in our flat :)

first you come to the bedroom which turned out to be quite cute.. and you can actually walk into the walk in closet

then you come to the bathroom.. notice the European half glass on the shower – makes things very wet :)

then you have the washing machine closet.. it’s a washer/dryer combo, although the clothes aren’t so much dry when they come out

then the kitchen, twice the size of Casa and has counter space… Hooray!!

and finally the living/study/dining room!! We have beautiful red couches (did I mention it folds out!!?), a tiny little desk, a table for eating, and a little reading nook. It’s quite cozy

Now on to our train ride to Aberdeen. We had a great weekend with the Ellis’, unfortunately, they have all the pictures because o-so-prepared Corrie forgot to bring the battery charger for the cameras. So, we only have pictures of the train station, but that will just have to suffice.

here’s the train station – teeny tiny and cute!

us at the station

and a view of us crossing over the Firth of Tay. You think riding a car over a bridge is scary, try a train!! OH, and here’s a funny story, we totally missed our train the first time because we didn’t realize the doors only stay open for about 30 seconds. Whoops! So, we sat for about an hour, and did eventually get a train to Aberdeen successfully :)

Then, today we did some COLD walking to wander in the cathedral grounds and go take pictures of Ian’s building. I believe the weathermen would call today much ‘fresher’ than yesterday :) The wind was a-blowin.

here we are at the cathedral (I’m definitely cold here, but it gets worse)

the cold weather brings a beautiful sky

this is me in front of a beautiful ocean that I would NEVER want to get in because it is so freezing. Not exactly beach weather!

There it is - Ian's building! I’m so proud!! We might even go in tomorrow – whoa…

So that’s all for now. Hopefully these will get a little shorter and a little more frequent once we have some internet in our flat.. but that will probably be a little while longer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's Bethany Blake!! How are you? I was just thinking about you the other day and my grandma paid a visit to your father and he gave her the link to your blogger. I can't believe you are in Scotland. That's so exciting. I heard you went to Taylor for art. That's what I'm majoring in. (I'm taking the long way through Ivy Tech but it's better than nothing) So how are you?

