Ian and I are milk drinkers (hooray for strong bones!).. We have always drunk a lot of milk, but I never considered actually trying to figure out how much milk we consume. It turns out it’s not that excessive, but when your milk is measured in pints – it looks like a lot! We use about 2 gallons of milk each week, but the largest container available from our Tesco is 4 pints (which just-so-happens to fit perfectly in our refrigerator door). So, that leads to 5 milk containers each week. You may be wondering why I bothered to figure all this out…
Well, we recycle our containers and we generally collect them for a while before we take them to the recycling place. I happened to remember the last time we took our containers to be recycled and saw that we had acquired a whole bunch of them since then, so thought I would see just how much milk we were drinking. Now we know. I mean, If you had seen this many milk containers on your counter, you might wonder how much milk you were consuming too :)
And, I just couldn’t resist putting this little guy on here as well.. He gave me such a good pose.
I have become so fascinated with birds lately.. The last 3 paintings I’ve done have involved birds. I just love those little guys! (Although, I’m pretty sure Ian would want me to emphasize here that they are actually quite huge... seriously, the seagulls are enormous)
They also (seagulls) are without fail perfect alarm clocks- we hear their squalling every morning!