Friday, December 11, 2009

Well today was a tough day.

Exactly what you might expect after having just committed to finding things to be thankful for every day :)

We suspect based on these symptoms that we have a teething baby. He is doing every single one of those things all day long. Not exactly a walk in the park and kind of overwhelming when we have so many things to accomplish right now with the semester coming to a close!

But, there have certainly been things to be thankful for..

After a really discouraging morning and lots of prayer, the Lord answered one of my prayers by giving me grace to take on the remainder of the day with a refreshed attitude. I was able to find patience and compassion for my baby despite feelings of inadequacy and frustration in not knowing what was wrong with him.

Also, Ian has tons of stuff to get done right now, but he has been really helpful in running errands for me and making dinner while I tended to our fussy baby!

The dinner that Ian made was DElicious! One of my faves :)

And, after a day of little sleep and lots of fussing, I am SO thankful that Aed went down for bedtime without a hitch. It's hard to be uncomfortable and tired at the same time, but he is sleeping away - praise the Lord!

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