Saturday, June 12, 2010


A gross word, I think. But a delightful tool of the trade!

I’ve always been afraid to use yeast in baking because I thought it was too complicated and was sure I would mess it up.

Turns out I was wrong!

I decided to make some cinnamon rolls waaaaay back in April and they turned out smashingly. I have made them twice more since then – we are a little addicted :)

These were the rolls just before I put them in the oven

Mouth-watering, no?

I’ve also made pizza dough for home-made pizzas, which would also make your mouth water if I ever remembered to take a picture of them.

Until then, just know that all you really need is a meat thermometer. Yeast is not as finicky as it seems.


  1. Looks UH-MAZING. How well do those travel across seas? ;-)

  2. Good for you! That's where I learned to use yeast, too :) I remember balancing a bowl full of dough on the radiator so it would be warm enough to rise! Looks yummy.
